Can ACO Reach Model Bridge the Divide? Addressing Health Equity in Medicare.

2 min readJun 7, 2024


For decades, a stubborn gap has existed in healthcare: the divide between quality care for all and the reality for underserved communities. The ACO Reach Model, a recent initiative by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), aims to be a game-changer. But can it truly bridge this divide?

ACO Reach Model

The Traditional Model’s Shortcomings

Traditionally, Medicare reimburses healthcare providers based on the volume of services rendered. This “fee-for-service” model creates perverse incentives, sometimes prioritizing quantity over quality. Underserved communities often suffer the most under this system. Factors like limited access to specialists, social determinants of health, and a lack of culturally competent care can contribute to poorer health outcomes.

The ACO Reach Model: An Advanced Approach

The ACO Reach Model flips the script. It incentivizes Accountable Care Organizations — networks of healthcare providers — to focus on value-based care. ACOs are financially responsible for the total cost of care for their assigned Medicare beneficiaries. This shift encourages a more holistic approach, prioritizing preventive care, chronic disease management, and improved coordination.

Building Bridges: The Focus on Health Equity

The ACO model goes beyond traditional ACO models by explicitly targeting health equity. Here’s how:

Focus on Underserved Communities

Participating ACOs are required to develop robust plans that identify and address the specific needs of underserved populations within their Reach. This ensures intentional outreach and culturally competent care delivery.

New Tools and Resources

The model provides ACOs with additional resources and tools — data analytics for identifying disparities, for example — to better understand and address the unique challenges faced by these populations.

Performance Measurement

The model ties financial rewards to progress on health equity metrics. This creates a strong incentive for ACOs to demonstrably close the gap in health outcomes.

A Bridge with Promise, But Questions Remain

While the ACO Reach holds immense promise, some questions linger:

Can ACOs effectively Reach the most vulnerable?

Building trust and overcoming logistical barriers in underserved communities can be a challenge. Strong community engagement strategies will be crucial.

Will the financial incentives be strong enough?

Balancing financial viability with the significant investments needed to address entrenched health disparities is an ongoing concern.

Is data collection robust enough?

Accurate data on social determinants of health and cultural factors is essential for effectively targeting interventions.


The ACO Reach Model represents a significant step towards bridging the healthcare divide for Medicare beneficiaries. The bridge may be under construction, but the destination — a healthcare system that serves all equally well — is worth the effort. Visit Persivia to explore more.




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